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Owner, E-RYT 500, YACEP, YTT Director


Hello, I am the very proud owner of Hot Yoga Lounge (HYL), located in Palm Coast, FL. I am a certified ERYT-200 and ERYT-500. I have been practicing yoga since 2007 and created Hot Yoga Lounge, in 2012. My passion for teaching is what inspired me to want to practice, teach and share yoga to ALL. My yoga practice began purely as a physical journey; however, the mental focus and stress reduction completely changed and deepened my understanding of what yoga could/would do for me. Even my husband noticed the shifts within me and I remember the day he said, “Babe you NEED to go to yoga.” That sealed the deal for us both that yoga was and would always be a pivotal part of us!


From the moment I unrolled my mat, I completely let yoga into my heart. I completed my RYT-200 hour in Ormond Beach, FL. Teaching, sharing and learning are my passions inside the yoga studio and as an elementary school teacher/dean. Teaching is an integral part of my world, so what better place to continue my passion but to combine two things I love to do, yoga and teaching. I believe that yoga is a continual experience of growth and development that positively impacts the lives of people who accept yoga into their world. I completed my RYT-500 hour training in 2019 and now run a 200 & 300 YTT program. 


My classes will challenge you to your deepest edges (maybe even some you didn’t know you had), allow you to be playful in your journey and keep you wanting to do and know more. 

E-RYT 200 Yoga Alliance Certified

E-RYT 500 Alliance Certified

YACEP Yoga Alliance
Masters Degree in Administration
Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education


E-RYT 200


I never realized how many ways yoga would positively impact my life. My daughter took me to my first hot yoga class, and as I entered the room and felt the heat I thought, “Oh no this is not going to work for me.” As my thoughts continued my daughter, who was teaching the class, shoved me in the room and whispered, “You can do this, breath through your nose and just enjoy the class.” So from that point on, I fell in love with yoga.  When I moved to Palm Coast, Fl. I started practicing hot vinyasa style yoga just about everyday and decided to come out of my comfort zone and take the 200 RYT teacher training, at Hot Yoga Lounge.  I teach a class that is for all levels and I bring a humorous  and true approach to my classes. I was born in 1950, and if I could give one piece of advice it would be to try and keep trying. Even if you can’t do all the postures, modify and stay on your mat. Yoga has given me a new outlook on life and I try to share that with all my yogi friends.  



E-RYT 200 Yoga Alliance Certified


RYT 500


I was introduced to hot yoga in 2012 when a friend invited me along. I walked into my first class not knowing what to expect. I had been a competitive gymnast my whole childhood and into my mid-teens. My body was physically strong; and I was used to twisting and stretching. My thoughts going into class were,” it’s just a little yoga in some heat.” About 20 minutes into class I was completely soaked and feeling as if I were about to pass out. Reluctantly, I came down onto my mat. I had been humbled, and laid there for the remainder of class. Yoga just kicked my butt; and yet I immediately knew I would be back. This is where my yoga journey began. As with many things in life we all strive to be the best. For me my practice was no different. After doing yoga for a few months I noticed a deeper connection when stepping onto my mat. I had become rooted in my practice. I felt not only physically stronger, but mentally as well. I found truth in myself through my practice. As I matured in yoga I no longer strived to be the best; instead I strived to honor my body. Appreciation for what I can do is now balanced with patience for what I cannot yet accomplish. Yoga has flowed into, and benefited, many areas of my daily life. Yoga has helped me through many differing seasons of my life. My decision to become a certified instructor has a lot to do with my passion for, and personal experience with, yoga. In teaching I have an amazing opportunity to help others while sharing my passion. I love being part of time which someone has allotted just for themselves. As an instructor I thrive on assisting others in their quest by helping them find their connection and stability. I strive to expand my knowledge of new postures and methods in a way that is both fun and challenging. My eagerness and wiliness to invest in myself and my students drives me to continue to grow. I enjoy walking with fellow yogis at all levels regardless of their background or experience.

E-RYT 200 Yoga Alliance Certified

RYT 500 Yoga Alliance Certified


E-RYT 500, YACEP, YTT Director


I began my yoga journey with a home practice in 2010.  My previous background was in martial arts as part of a demonstration team, and for me, the best parts of that experience were the forms and how the body flowed through them balanced with breath. Vinyasa yoga brings me back to these early roots.  I expanded my home practice to a studio setting in early 2013 at Hot Yoga Lounge. Here I found guidance that took my practice to another level: an inner journey that coincided with the physical challenge of the asanas. 


I started noticing small positive changes in my daily attitude and a yearning for the peace and inspiration I would find on my mat.  Yoga has since become a work-in for me to be a better person, to breathe and let go, to not attach to experiences, to be free and open to what is.  I felt compelled to share this  process of growth and exploration, to inspire others and reach out to them through my own experience.  Teaching yoga became a passion. Once I reached my E level RYT, I became a training director at Hot Yoga Lounge for both our 200 & 300 hour programs.  I have realized a new love of teaching others how to teach, to share their gift of yoga and I have loved every moment: sharing the journey, seeing the change and confidence each have found in finding their own voice in this practice.


My classes are hot, challenging, and full of energy, fun transitions, arm balances, and inversions.  Always encouraging a playful spirit, an open heart, and a beginner's mind; meeting yourself on your mat where you are at each moment, accepting, yet always challenging you to find your own path to your highest self.


"Yoga is the martial art of the soul, and the opponent is the strongest you've ever faced: your ego."  - Unknown


Education -

E-RYT 200 Yoga Alliance Certified

E-RYT 500 Yoga Alliance Certified

Restorative Yoga Certification

YACEP Yoga Alliance

Bachelors Degree in Psychology

Bachelors Degree in Sociology


RYT 500


My yoga practice began as a home practice when I was pregnant with my children. I found the poses physically beneficial, but I gained more from the spiritual aspect of yoga. The words of encouragement, the perspective, the balance that comes into one’s life when practicing. I attended the first class at Hot Yoga Lounge on a Sunday in 2012, which transitioned my practice from home/television guided practices into a studio. I love the studio atmosphere. I find that I challenge myself more in a class than I do in my home practice. Much of this is derived from the energy, inspiration, and encouragement of the teachers. During my travels, I try to attend classes at other studios and have participated in a retreat in Costa Rica. I subscribe to the eight limbs of yoga, finding the greatest connection with the concept of non-attachment. I truly enjoy sharing my practice with others, and my desire to teach comes from a deep desire to share my practice and to inspire others to expand their practice. Namaste

E-RYT 200 Yoga Alliance Certified

RYT 500 Yoga Alliance Certified
Restorative Yoga Certification


E-RYT 200

HYL (5).jpg

I started my yoga journey in 2011 with a Jillian Michaels yoga DVD.  I was immediately drawn to the many physical variations and challenges that each posture presented.  I have worked out my entire adult life, primarily as a runner, but also with at home workouts.  Many of the moves were already familiar to me, I just didn’t realize the depth of them.  I had never been a member of a gym or studio, so when HYL opened just a few months into my at home yoga practice, I was extremely hesitant to give it a try. 

Once I went, I became hooked.  I can recall the changes I experienced in my practice, very early on and was surprised with my own strength.  When I consistently showed up on my mat, my practice and my physical strength continued to grow to levels I never thought possible.  What I never expected was the peace of mind and mental break from life that my practice gave me.  What started for me as a purely physical experience became much more, the time on my mat became a time of solitude and peace, a break from the everyday chaos and mental clutter, a chance to breathe and let it all go.  Somedays I found myself showing up on my mat for more than one class.  I realized I wanted to share this transformation I had experienced with others.

My daughter started practicing with me early on, it has been so rewarding to watch and experience her yoga journey alongside of her, as she became an instructor as well. 

I truly feel we are all capable of so much more than we allow ourselves to believe or envision.  My practice has enabled me to see many of those visions come to fruition, I would love to help you attain yours. 

E-RYT 200 Hot Vinyasa


RYT 500


I have been teaching Vinyasa, Yin, Yoga Nidra and meditation since 2017. I began my practice in 2016.  I have been inspired by yogi masters such as Rodney Yee, Rod Stryker, and Briohny Smyth. I have studied with various yoga teachers within and outside the community such as Philip and Ivy Askew, Missy White, and Raghunath. I graduated from 200-hour teacher training in 2017 and 300-hour teacher training in November 2019. I thoroughly enjoy teaching Vinyasa-style classes where I can sprinkle in a little Kundalini, meditation, and other spiritual aspects of the practice.


When taking one of my classes, you may experience grounded-ness, strength, humor, spirit and love all within a singular class.

I teach yoga to serve my students in all three holy trinities: body, mind, and spirit.

E-RYT 200 Hot Vinyasa
RYT 500 Hot Vinyasa
Degree in English
 with Minor in Communications

Degree in Elementary Teaching 


RYT 500


I have lived and loved in Flagler County since 1988. I found yoga in my late thirties to deal with the stress of being a top producing real estate agent. I was able to cope with life through yoga rather than drowning and quieting the mind through toxic patterns and vices. Once I dove into my practice on a deeper level, it seemed the world opened up and I found purpose and meaning that hadn't been there before.


I specialize in energy work and vibrational alignment. I passionately believe that everyone has the ability to heal themselves from anything that ails them by working with and through their energy centers. Yoga, Moon Work, Crystal Healing, Essential Oils, and Herbs are some of the modalities I use to accomplish alignment with the Divine, my best self and my highest life path. We can all have happiness and the life of our dreams. It is already inside of us! It is simply our job to connect to it. We are all magical beings!


You can expect to find mind, body, spirit connection when you take any class I teach.

RYT 200 Hot Vinyasa
RYT 500 Hot Vinyasa

Amber B.

RYT 200

Amber Bill

A few years ago, a friend from CrossFit suggested I try Hot Yoga, to help improve my CrossFit skills.  I went to my first class and found it very challenging as it was nothing like the videos I'd watched or yoga at other gyms.  I knew that if I worked at it, I would find the flexibility I was looking for.  After some time, I realized that not only was my flexibility improving, but my mind was improving.  I felt that the teachings calmed my thought process and that focusing on the breath was meditative.  Eventually I found that I did not want class to end.  I had not tried meditiation before but found this moving meditation very compelling.  After some time, I felt that I was becoming a more calm and patient individual.  


I have always been very active playing sports and have trained for several marathons.  I like to do CrossFit, golf and run.  I could feel that my flexibility was improving and that when I was sore from working out, my recovery was improved.  I have found that yoga is helping me maintain the flexibility and stability needed for all my activities.


I love the health benefits for the brain and body and I want to help bring this benefit to other people.   I want people to know their inner strength and find healing in their practice. I feel that in a small way, I am helping people improve their health and live better lives.  


RYT 200 Hot Vinyasa
CrossFit L1 Trainer


RYT 500


My journey into the world of yoga began as a way to heal from a debilitating back injury that left me unable to walk some days. The practice not only helped my physical pain but also provided emotional healing, bringing a newfound sense of balance and strength to my body and mind.


About a year after I started practicing I had my 3rd back surgery to implant a device in my back to help manage my pain. I had to take time off to recover from surgery and I couldn’t wait to get back to yoga. As soon I was cleared I went back, cautiously and loved the encouragement from the teachers to be wherever I was in my journey that day.


As I practiced more I wanted to learn more about the history of yoga so I enrolled in a teacher training course and I am currently working toward completing my 500-hour RYT certification to further deepen my knowledge and understanding of the practice.


I love to laugh (at myself). I take playful and light-hearted approach to everything, even yoga & I encourage my students to do the same!


Meet me on the mat and let’s laugh, sweat, be a little silly & move!



RYT 200 Hot Vinyasa

RYT 500 Hot Vinyasa


RYT 200


My yoga journey started when I was 35 years old, a couple of roller derby team-mates decided to try a community flow at Hot Yoga Lounge. To say that we were intimidated would be an understatement, but we kept attending yoga every week, laughing, and trying what we could.


The first years of my yoga practice were largely focused on the physical asana, until a shift about 5 years ago. I noticed that life was very busy, stressful, anxiety inducing, and being on my mat allowed me some time to just BE. Every class I attended, I began to pick up laughs and inspiration along with my workout. I started to turn inward and pay more attention to what yoga was doing for me on the inside. I started to be able to react differently off my mat and find some moments to pause.


After 9 years of practicing at Hot Yoga Lounge, I was able to complete 200-hour YTT and advance my practice even further. Now I am thrilled to be able to guide new and experienced yogis in studio classes as well as outdoor classes, ‘field trips’, to bring movement and happiness together.


One of my favorite parts of yoga practice is laughter, realizing how much fun yoga is and what a gift it is to be able to share among friends as well as strangers.


There is a place on the mat where we all meet, and I am excited to continue meeting there.



RYT 200 Hot Vinyasa


RYT 200


Growing up here in Palm Coast, I was lucky enough to be exposed to many different sports like gymnastics, soccer, martial arts, and dance, offered throughout our community and I was also lucky enough to have a family member who knew that I missed the 2 years I spent dancing in high school, and introduced me to The Hot Yoga Lounge.

It wasn’t until I moved back home after graduating college in 2020, and started my full-time job, that I started to reevaluate the things that bring me joy in life. I originally came back to the studio once a week to give myself at least an hour to forget everything else that was happening outside of the room, and to concentrate on just myself. It began more to find mental clarity, but I soon became fascinated by the physical challenges as well. I found myself practicing here at the studio multiple times a week and fell in love with not only the practice, but the people here, instructors and students alike.

I find great joy in connecting with my community through the practice of yoga and hope to ignite a fire within those who are willing to challenge themselves, both mentally physically and to provide some laughter along the way.



RYT 200 Hot Vinyasa

Amanda K.

RYT 200


Hi, everyone! My name is Amanda.


Spiritually, my yoga journey began in 2018. I remember writing a paper in college about goals and wanting to try yoga. At that point, I had never stepped foot on a mat, let alone practiced in a studio setting. 


Years had passed, and needless to say I didn’t fulfill my goal of trying yoga. I did, however, graduate college with a Bachelor’s in business, but it wasn’t my calling. So, I ended up going back to school to become a teacher. It was during my first teacher interview where these “coincidences” started to occur. The boss said, you have a yoga instructor on your team. I was ecstatic! Finally, after all these years, it was my way into the practice! Not only did that teacher introduce me to the Hot Yoga Lounge, but she became family. In hindsight, those occurrences were not coincidental, it was my spirit guiding me. 


I took my first official class, in Jan. 2022. Of course, I took advantage of the $22 for 22 days, but I fell off the band-wagon. Being a first year teacher consumed my life and I wasn’t making time for myself. I started again that summer, May 2022. I had no idea what I was doing, but I kept showing up for myself. I was determined to get better. Along the way, it got easier, I was breathing, I got stronger, and I even started noticing this new found mental clarity. 


It didn’t take long for me to absolutely fall in love with the practice. Not only that, but the people, the community, and the home-away-from-home feeling that Hot Yoga Lounge has to offer. Although still very new to the practice, I was convinced to undertake 200 hr YTT - BEST decision I ever made! I completed my 200-hour YTT in November 2023. 


To say that my journey has been an eye-opener would be an understatement. The benefits of this practice are limitless. It has changed my life so much, in so little time. It may be the teacher in me, but the passion I have to teach and inspire others is out of this world. It’s my calling. So join me! Simply roll out your mat, there’s a place just for you. All you have to do is show up for yourself. :)



RYT 200 Hot Vinyasa

Bachelor's degree of business management with a concentration in entrepreneurship 

Certified K-6 Elementary Teacher

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